Dr. Gabriela Karoline Michelon

Formal Education

Complementary Education

Professional Experience

Research Projects

Extension Projects

Registered Computer Programs

  1. MICHELON, G. K.; BAZZI, C. L. Patent: Computer Program. Registration number: BR512017000877-9, Registration date: 05/02/2017, title: "CCG", Institution of registry: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property.
  2. SOUZA, E. G.; SCHENATTO, K.; GAVIOLI, A.; BETZEK, N. M.; MICHELON, GABRIELA K.; BAZZI, CLAUDIO L. Patent: Computer Program. Registration number: 512018000896-8, Registration date: 08/06/2018, title: "AgDataBox-Mobile", Registration institution: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property.
  3. BAZZI, CLAUDIO L.; LONGO. D. R; MOREIRA, G. C.; GEBLER, L.; MICHELON, GABRIELA K.; SOUZA, E. G.; GAVIOLI, A.; BETZEK, N. M. Patent: Computer Program. Registration number: 512018000893-3, Registration date: 06/07/2018, title: "AppleShow", Registration institution: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property.
  4. PAULHA FILHO, P. L. ; BECKER-ALGERI, T. A. ; CANDIDO JR, A ; BAZZI, CLAUDIO L. ; SILVA, H. P. ; DRUNKLER, D. A. ; MENDONCA, S. N. T. G. ; MICHELON, GABRIELA K. ; BARBOSA, M. M. Patent: Computer Program. Record number: 512018000930-1, Registration date: 06/11/2018, title: "CCPP", Institution of registry: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property.
  5. BAZZI, C. L.; BORGES, L. F.; MICHELON, GABRIELA K.; SOUZA, E. G.; SCHENATTO, K.; GAVIOLI, A.; BETZEK, N. M. Patent: Computer Program. Registration number: 512018000894-1, Registration date: 06/07/2018, title: "AgDataBox-Map", Registration institution: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property.
  6. BAZZI, CLAUDIO L. ; SOUZA, E. G. ; MAGALHÃES, PAULO S. G. ; SCHENATTO, K. ; MICHELON, GABRIELA K. Patent: Computer Program. Registration number: 512018000899-2, Registration date: 06/08/2018, title: "AgDataBox-API", Registration institution: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property.


  1. 5thInternational Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-Intensive Systems (VariVolution 2022) - Organizer.
  2. 4thInternational Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-Intensive Systems (VariVolution 2021) - Organizer.
  3. 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2021) - Student Volunteer.
  4. FOSD Online Meeting 2021 (FOSD 2021) - Organizer.
  5. 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2020) - Student Volunteer.
  6. 23th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2019) - Student Volunteer.
  7. XIX UTFPR Federal Seminar of Scientific and Technological Initiation (SICITE 2016) - Student Volunteer.

Journal Reviewer

  1. Journal of Systems and Software (JSS).


  1. 32nd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER 2025) - Proceedings Co-Chair.

Program Committee (Reviewer)

  1. 28th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2024) - Research track.
  2. 18th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS 2024).
  3. 27th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2023) - Artifact Evaluation track.
  4. 6th International Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-Intensive Systems (VariVolution 2023).
  5. 17th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS 2023).
  6. 31st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2022) - Artifact Evaluation track.
  7. 26th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2022) - Artifact Evaluation track.

Program Committee (Sub-Reviewer)

  1. 35th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2021).
  2. 3rd International Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-Intensive Systems (VariVolution 2020).
  3. 15th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS 2021).
  4. 19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2022).

Invited Talks

  1. Motivational Talk at Pedro Americo College. 2024
  2. Software Product Line Engineering in the Automotive Industry. North Carolina State University, USA. 2024
  3. Software Product Line Engineering in the Automotive Industry. Biopark Education, Brazil. 2024.
  4. Hybrid Industry Challenges Workshop at the International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC). 2023
  5. Motivational talk at State College of Campo Presidente Kennedy. 2022
  6. Round Table at Federal Technological University of Paraná. 2020
  7. Round Table at Federal Technological University of Paraná. 2019
  8. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Title: Evolving System Families in Space and Time. 2022
  9. Ulm University. Title: Evolving System Families in Space and Time. 2022

Invited Podcasts

  1. Emilias Podcast. Episode 90: Gabriela Michelon, Graduate of UTFPR, PhD in Computer Science and Software Engineer. 2023 Available on Youtube
  2. Livre com Ciência Podcast. Episode 156: Vida de Formado: Ciência da Computação (Translation: Life as a Graduate: Computer Science). 2024 Available on Spotify
  3. In Practice, Your Research Has Got to Work! A Discussion with Gabriela Michelon. 2024 Available on Spotify or Available on Scholarly Communication


  1. Supervision master project of Ramya Jayaraman at Johannes Kepler University Linz. Topic: Runtime monitoring and testing - Feature to code mapping through the system execution. Software Engineering – ws 2019/20.

Teaching Experience

Institute of Software Systems Engineering - Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), Austria

Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR), Brazil